Saturday 19 February 2011

Lady Gaga -chicken, singing and table manners

On Monday we set off to the home ed singing group, as usual. Driving along the M1, we were singing along to Lady Gaga, Mima began reading out the acknowledgements part of the CD. There were two bits Mima particulary liked
'Thank you to my Dad, for always protecting me from monsters' and
'Thank you for teaching me the importance of family , and showing me the value of always sitting down together- and never taking a bite till everyone was present'.
We eat our meals together at the table, they are a very important time of the day, we chat for ages. The kids love our meal times, but it's now made it even more popular, and now Jemima is trying to enforce a new rule, that we all start our meal together at the same time!

I may not like all of Lady Gaga's lyrics, but reading further her acknowledgements
'...I need to say that every chemical moment of my life, every person i have spoken with, every street I have ever travelled, every museum, country, city, space or home that I have visited has been a profound instance and is mirrored, whether obviously or in some refracted way, in the work you see today'
and she's right these things shape our lifes.

Lady Gaga, the chicken, is behaving much better now she has laid her first egg. The day after we named our chicken Lady Gaga, the lady herself emerged from an egg at the Grammy's!!

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